- Mergers, acquisitions and sales (M&A)
- Corporate support
- Corporate finance
- Corporate restructuring and insolvency
- Corporate governance
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- Banking and debt financing
- Acquisition financing
- Factoring and other forms of receivable-based financing
- Finance lease
- Property financing
- Project financing
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- Development
- Acquisitions and sales
- Facility management
- Financing
- Building, zoning and planning
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- Contracts, business terms and conditions
- Compliance
- Corporate liability prevention
- Personal data protection, GDPR
- Intellectual property
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- Employment contracts and internal regulations
- Creation, modification and termination of employment relationships
- Mass lay-offs and individual redundancies
- Global mobility of employees
- Labour disputes
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- Contract disputes
- Debt recovery
- Professional negligence and directors' liability disputes
- Representation in insolvency proceedings
- Representation in arbitration proceedings
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- Representation in administrative proceedings, incl. representation before courts
- Risk assessment and regulatory impact analysis
- Protection against inaction
- Energy law
- Competition
- Public procurement and state aid
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- Family assets structuring and management
- Succession planning
- Family property
- Legal support in administrative proceedings
- Legal support in criminal proceedings
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