



Dear clients,

Please find below an updated summary of measures adopted by Czech Government in connection with the coronavirus.

The Government has decided on the prohibition of free movement of persons to be prolonged until 1. 4. 2020. The other applicable extraordinary measures were prolonged as well.

CROSS-BORDER WORKERS (so-called commuters)

With effect from 26. 3. 2020 (00:00 a.m.) the commuters are divided in two main categories based on the point of border crossing:

- Commuters crossing the border between the Czech Republic and Slovakia / Poland (likewise the same for commuters traveling for work into the Czech Republic)

 there have been no changes for this category (the same rules valid until today apply to this category)

 the main rules are:

  • regular crossing of internal borders (by regularity it is meant crossing of the border at least 3x per week in one direction)
  • the place of work performance must be within 100 km from the state border
  • commuter must carry with himself/herself a confirmation from an employer and a “cross-border worker booklet”

Poland introduced mandatory quarantine for the period from 27. 3. 2020 until 11. 4. 2020 for crossing the border from the Czech Republic to Poland. According to available information, this measure should also affect Polish employees working in the Czech Republic. The mandatory quarantine was introduced also by Slovakia for persons returning from the Czech Republic.

- Commuters crossing the border between the Czech Repubic and Germany / Austria

 new rules apply

 these rules are different in regard to:

  • persons travelling (so-called commuting) from the territory of the Czech Republic (ie. residing in the Czech Republic and working abroad)
  • persons travelling (so-called commuting) into the territory of the Czech Republic (ie. residing abroad and working in the Czech Republic)

 For both groups it applies that:

  • they must travel (commute) exclusively in tours (each tour must have at least 21 calendar days – i.e. the obligation of frequency of crossing does not apply)
  • they do not have to work within 100 km from the state border - In case they travel further than 100 km, they must use for this journey only the main border crossing with the 24/7 regime.
  • they do not need to have “a cross-border worker booklet”- this booklet will be managed by the Police itself in an electronic version, but the obligation to carry with himself/herself a confirmation from an employer about the so-called commuting still applies

 For Czech citizens leaving the territory of the Czech Republic it furthermore applies that:

  • they must undertake quarantine for 14 days between each tour
  • quarantine must be ensured by their doctor and the proof of it must be provided to the Police at the beginning of a new tour

 For foreigners coming into the territory of the Czech Republic it furthermore applies that:

  • After completion of a 21-day long cycle they must undertake a pause for 14 days prior to beginning a new 21-day long cycle
  • The obligation to undertake obligatory quarantine does not therefore apply – as it is not possible to impose an obligation of quarantine in Germany / Austria – the minimum of a two week long pause between tours is however likewise applicable (outside the Czech Republic)

By breaching of the length of tour (21 calendar days) the commuter will lose the position of commuter.

International (freight/cargo) transport is an individual exception of its own – especially truck drivers are not considered to be commuters

- the obligation to have a confirmation for workers of international transport applies

- the same obligations as for other persons on the territory of the Czech Republic apply


The Parliament adopted the following changes in nursing pay:

- the period for nursing pay extends to the entire time the schools will be closed under the extraordinary measures (issued by the Government / Ministry of Health)

- the nursing pay will be paid to all the employees staying at home with children under 13 years

- the employee can alternate with another parent (person providing nursery) as needed

- this will apply also for the educational facilities which are closed due to the decision of their founder

- the wage compensation is still aprox. 60% of average earnings

President of the Czech Republic should sign this law in the coming days.


- The Government issued by measure the Program for protection of employment – Antivirus

- The subsidy will be provided by the Labour Office

- The rules for application of this programme should be available by the end of this week, this rules will also determine the effectiveness of the program.

- Nowadays the program Antivirus includes the following measures:

We will gladly answer any further questions that you may have.