Dear clients, Please allow us to inform you about a decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union (C-477/21, dated 2.3.2023) which may potentially represent a breakthrough in the provision of continuous rest between two shifts and during the week.
Dear clients, as of 25 February 2023, new regulations were published in the Official Journal of the European Union regulating the tenth anti-Russian sanctions package in connection with the one-year anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Dear clients, Once again, we are turning to you with an overview of the most interesting changes in the legislation and brought by the beginning of the new year.
Dear clients, once again, we are turning to you with an overview of the most interesting changes in the legislation and decision-making practice of the Czech courts.
Dear clients, as of October 6, 2022 a new regulation regulating further anti-Russian sanctions in connection with the ongoing Ukraine crisis, forming the eighth sanctions package, has been published in the Official Journal of the European Union.
Шановні клієнти, У співпраці з нашими колегами Мариною та Робертом ми підготували базовий огляд етапів створення товариства з обмеженою відповідальністю в Чеська Республіка.
Dear clients, Slovak entrepreneurs have to fill in the data in the Commercial Register, especially the birth number or ID number of the shareholder. The data in the Commercial Register in Slovakia must be completed by 30 September 2022 at the latest.
Dear clients, Once again, we are turning to you with an overview of the most interesting changes in the legislation and decision-making practice of the Czech courts.
Dear clients, attached please find a special legal update focused on the situation in Ukraine. The topic of today's update is the abolition of customs duties on imports of Ukrainian goods by the EU.
Dear clients, as the holiday season approaches, we are sending you another summary of the most significant legal developments in recent months.
Dear clients, Once again, we bring you a summary of the biggest changes to the legislation and case law in recent months.
Dear clients, In connection with the legal update from April 8, 2022, which contained a preliminary list of the contents of the fifth package of anti-Russian sanctions, we would like to inform you that the EU Regulation containing the fifth package of anti-Russian sanctions in connection with the ongoing crisis in Ukraine, is already available in the Journal of the European Union.
Dear clients, As of today, the fifth package of anti-Russian sanctions has been approved in connection with the ongoing crisis in Ukraine.
Dear clients, with the start of the new year, we are once again bringing you a summary of the biggest changes, with a focus on the changes effective 1 January 2022.
Dear clients, as of 15 March 2022 a new regulation regulating further anti-Russian sanctions in connection with the ongoing Ukraine crisis has been published in the Official Journal of the European Union.
Dear clients, as of March 9, 2022 a new regulation regulating further anti-Russian sanctions and newly anti-Belarusian sanctions in connection with the ongoing Ukraine crisis, in which Belarus is also involved to a large extent, has been published in the Official Journal of the European Union.
Dear clients, as of March 2, 2022 a new regulation regulating further anti-Russian sanctions in connection with the ongoing Ukraine crisis has been published in the Official Journal of the European Union.
Dear clients, given the current situation, we have compiled information on the current Anti-Russian sanctions, as well as on visa and residence permits, together with questions on the employment of Ukrainian citizens.
Dear clients, With the start of the new year, we are once again bringing you a summary of the biggest changes, with a focus on the changes effective 1 January 2022
Dear clients, The anticipated emergency measure extending the testing requirement to all employees from 17 January 2022 has been issued.
Dear clients, With effect from today (20 December 2021), the obligation regarding employee testing has been clarified as follows...
Dear clients, An update of the methodological instruction of the Chief Hygienist of the Czech Republic has been issued, according to which vaccinated persons who share a household with a person infected with COVID-19 must be tested. The instruction is valid from 29 November 2021.
Dear clients, the Ministry of Health issued the expected emergency measures concerning:
Dear clients, Once again, we are turning to you with an overview of the most interesting changes in the legislation and decision-making practice of the Czech courts.
Dear clients, The Ministry of Health has issued a new protective measure concerning entry into the Czech Republic, which came into force on 27 October 2021 from 0:00.
Dear clients, Following this afternoon's publication of written details of new emergency measures by the Ministry of Health, we bring you once again our brief overview of the main changes that employers will be facing in the coming days.
Dear clients, we are adressing you with an overview of the biggest changes that the new Building Act will bring.
Dear Clients, with the increase in the number of summer holidays of employees, the Ministry of Health has issued a new protection measure concerning testing after returning from abroad.
Dear clients, Once again, we are turning to you with an overview of the most interesting changes in the legislation and decision-making practice of the Czech courts.
Dear clients, as many of you have noticed, a new emergency measure issued by the Ministry of Health concerning respiratory protective equipment is effective from midnight today.
Dear clients, Regarding the loosening of restrictions with the improved coronavirus situation in recent days, we would like to inform you of an important fact from our point of view for employers.
Dear clients, we have again compiled an overview of the most interesting changes in legal regulations and decision-making practice of the Czech courts for you.
Dear clients, As you have certainly noticed, an extraordinary measure of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic extended the obligation not to admit employees without a negative test for employers employing 1 or more persons and to self-employed persons.
Dear clients, As you have undoubtedly noticed, yesterday an extraordinary measure of the Ministry of Health was issued, which expands the circle of employers with the obligation not to let employees into the workplace without a negative test (or for fulfilling one of the exceptions) - for employers employing 10 - 49 persons.
Dear clients, we recently informed you about the mandatory testing of employees (here), which has changed with effect from today, i.e. March 9, 2021.
Dear clients, once again, we have summarized for you from our point of view the most important and interesting innovations in legislation and selected important recent case law.
Dear clients, Yesterday, extraordinary measures of the Ministry of Health (available in full here and here) were issued, which regulate the mandatory testing of employees.
Dear clients, the situation is changing turbulently from day to day, so we bring you a brief summary of the current news and responsibilities that the Czech government decided on last night.
Dear clients, we bring you below a clear summary of obligations concerning respiratory protective equipment, set by an extraordinary measure of the Ministry of Health.
Dear clients, as we have more questions about traveling to / from the Czech Republic, we would like to send you brief legal updates on the new protection measure, effective from 5 February 2021
Dear clients, Please find attached some of the larger number of current legislative changes that are significant for most of you. The attached legal update contains the following topics and areas:
Dear clients, from 18th December 2020 (00:00) the Czech Republic will again find itself in the 4th degree of PES. In this context, we would like to inform you about the content of the new measures as published in the Collection of Laws:
Dear clients, yesterday, the Chamber of Deputies approved the extension of the state of emergency until 23 December 2020.
Dear clients, written copy of the measures in connection with the transition to the 3rd stage of the PES was finally published today, we have prepared an accurate overview of the main changes that will take effect tomorrow.
Dear clients, new measures have been issued, which for the most part only extend the original ones. Here are some of the changes they contain.
Dear clients, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that on Friday November 13, 2020 the Ministry of Health issued a new system of PES (antiepidemiological system) evaluation, which will now show the epidemiological situation.
FORLEX has advised UNIS, Masaryk University, VUT Brno and 19 other individuals in selling 100% shares in Flowmon Networks, a global network intelligence service provider
Dear clients, from Monday, November 9, 2020, a new emergency measure of the Ministry of Health will be effective. In particular, the de facto extension of the obligation to test foreign employees will be crucial for employers. The measure imposes an "old-new obligation"
Dear clients, in response to yesterday's government meeting, we are sending you an overview of the new obligations set by the government's crisis measures. Note in particular the new home-office obligations and the extension of Antivirus Mode B.
Dear clients, we bring you a summary of the new government crisis measures: RESTRICTIONS OF FREE MOVEMENT Crisis Measure No. 1078 - with effect from 22 October 2020, 6:00 am to 3 November 2020 23:59 am
Amendment to the Criminal Code and the Code of Criminal Procedure. The Criminal Code and the Code of Criminal Procedures have doubled the limits of damages after almost 20 years:
Dear clients, we bring you a list of newly issued extraordinary and crisis measures: Crisis Measure no. 1021 from 14th October 2020 (00:00 a.m.) to 3th November 2020 (11:59 p.m.)
Dear clients,, We bring you a list of newly issued crisis measures (some of them are effective from today midnight – 9th October 2020, 12:00 a.m.)
Dear clients, From midnight tonight (Monday 5th October 2020, 00:00 am.) a new protective measure of the Ministry of Health is effective (full text here) to soften, among other things, mandatory testing on return from holidays in risky countries with a travel agency/agency (including mandatory testing of foreign employees).
Dear clients, with effect from Monday (October 5, 2020, 00:00), a STATE OF EMERGENCY has been declared for a period of 30 days. This allows critical infrastructure actors to identify critical employees whose presence in the workplace is necessary to ensure their functioning, and the government can also take a wider range of measures if necessary.
Dear clients, for several hours (with effect from midnight today - 25th September 2020, 00:00), is effective another new extraordinary measure issued by the Ministry of Health:
Dear clients, for several hours (with effect from midnight today - 24th September 2020, 00:00), are effective new extraordinary measures issued by the Ministry of Health:
Dear clients, yesterday evening, changes to the extraordinary measures about which we have informed you in our yesterday’s legal update, were hastily issued. Specifically:
Dear clients, we bring you information on new measures of the Ministry of Health effective from September 18, 2020 on:
Dear clients, as we informed you, with effect from tomorrow, i.e. 1. 9. 2020, the following extraordinary measure of the Ministry of Health will enter into force
Dear clients, with effect from 25 August 2020, 00:00, the Ministry of Health issued a new protective measure setting out the conditions for crossing the state border of the Czech Republic.
Dear clients, We inform you that the Extraordinary Measures No. 20/2020 and No. 21/2020 of the Regional Hygiene Station of the Moravian-Silesian region in Ostrava were issued, with effect from 14 August 2020, 12:00 PM.
Dear clients, The Ministry of Health has updated the list of countries at low risk of infection with COVID-19, from now: with effect from 17 August 2020:
Dear clients, With effect from 3 August 2020, 0:00 am, the Ministry of Health issued a new protective measure covering the entire Czech Republic.
Dear clients, yesterday 23/7/2020 several more relevant Extraordinary Measures were passed, namely:
Dear clients, we bring you a brief coronavirus update in connection with the protective measure of the Ministry of Health, which was issued with effect from 20 July 2020 (00:00) and which, due to its low media coverage, many of you may not have noticed.
Dear clients, we immediately inform you that a few hours ago, the Extraordinary Measure No. 15/2020 of the Regional Hygiene Station of the Moravian-Silesian Region in Ostrava
Dear clients, on June 30, 2020, as part of our brief coronavirus update, we informed you about the obligation of employers in the Moravian-Silesian Region to prevent entry into the workplace for cross-border workers and EU citizens entering the Czech Republic for economic activities
As most of you have already noticed, several changes to the Russian Constitution were definitively approved last week. The changes have been promoted by the Rrussian president Vladimir Putin and most of them have mainly an internal Russian impact.
The pre-emptive right of co-owners of real estate will be substantially reduced. On 1 July 2020, an amendment to the Civil Code will enter into force, on the basis of which, among other things, the rules of the statutory pre-emption right of co-owners of real estate will be changed again.
From 1 July 2020, the obligation to wear respiratory protective equipment ends. Obligation to wear respiratory protective equipment (indoors and in motor vehicles) it also applies to the territory of...
Dear clients, On 17 June 2020, the President signed the so-called major amendment to the Labor Code. This is a significant change to the current wording of this act, which will bring, for example:
Dear clients, let us briefly inform you about news within the Antivirus program. Antivirus extension - Mode B was newly extended by a government resolution until 31 August 2020.
Dear clients, we bring you another coronavirus update, in which we have prepared an overview of current changes and news for you.
Dear clients, we know that it is sometimes difficult to find your way around the news about coronavirus, so we bring you a coronavirus update in which we focus on current and upcoming things, which in our opinion you will want to be aware of.
Due to the uncertainty associated with the spread of COVID-19, we see that some transactions are slowing, pausing or even withdrawing at this stage of the coronavirus pandemic because companies are focused more on improving the working conditions of their employees and on keeping the company running; conversely, some transactions continue toward completion of the transaction without any delay.
On 24 April 2020 an act on certain measures to mitigate the effects of the coronavirus epidemic (Lex COVID) on:
As is already well known, the Municipal Court in Prague annulled with effect from 27 April four measures of the Ministry of Health, which restricted the free movement of persons, retail and services.
Dear clients, Please find below a summary of the latest measures adopted by the Czech Government in connection with the coronavirus. Among other things, the Government has decided to change the conditions for free movement of persons, returns and entry into the territory of the Czech Republic and to change the schedule of the release of business and other activities.
The Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic approved a government bill called Lex COVID, which aims to mitigate the effects of the coronavirus epidemic, inter alia, in the area of the functioning of legal entities and corporations.
Yesterday evening, the Chamber of Deputies approved a new government bill on certain measures in repayment of loans in relation to pandemic COVID-19.
The Czech-Moravian Guarantee and Development Bank („CMGDB“) together with the Ministry of Industry and Trade announced the COVID II program. CMGDB will guarantee the small and medium-sized enterprises for their loans with commercial banks and will also contribute up to a million crowns to pay interest.
On 31. 3. 2020 the government has approved the proposal to modify the Antivirus program and the methodology for its implementation. The modified program significantly differs from the views that were published during the last week.
Dear clients, Please find below an updated summary of measures adopted by Czech Government in connection with the coronavirus. The Government has decided on the prohibition of free movement of persons to be prolonged until 1. 4. 2020. The other applicable extraordinary measures were prolonged as well.
Dear clients, on 19 March 2020, the European Commission adopted a temporary framework to support the economy in the context of the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic (the "Temporary Framework") to remedy serious disruption of the European economy.
Dear clients, With respect to the dynamic course of events regarding the coronavirus situation we hereby inform you of the measures adopted by the Government. On 12 March 2020, Government Resolution No. 194 declared a state of emergency in the Czech Republic, which is in force from 12 March 2020, 02:00 p.m. for a period of 30 days, the maximum possible period, which can be extended only with the approval of the Chamber of Deputies.
Dear clients, on Friday (6. 3. 2020) we have brought you information about the extraordinary measure issued by the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic, that concerns the obligatory quarantine of citizens returning to the Czech Republic from Italy.
Dear clients, today (March 6, 2020), the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic has issued an extraordinary measure on the obligatory quarantine of citizens returning to the Czech Republic from Italy. Given that a large number of our clients are currently facing a question of how to address this measure from a practical point of view, we are bringing you the following brief recommendation:
On 1 January 2020 the Energy Regulatory Office’s Price Decision No. 3/2019 of 26 September 2019 came into effect, establishing support for supported energy sources for the coming year.
On 1 January 2020, the Czech Social Security Administration launched the live operation of the eNeschopenka electronic workers compensation system. The goal of this system is to simplify the exchange of information between sick/insured persons, doctors, employers and the Czech Social Security Administration.
With effect as of 1 January 2020, the base rate of the minimum salary for a 40-hour work week increased from CZK 79.80 per hour to CZK 87.30 per hour, or from CZK 13,350 per month to CZK 14,600 per month.
As of January 2020, management of the Forlex law firm will be expanded with the addition of two experienced attorneys, Lenka Němcová and Eva Ostruszka Klusová, as partners of the firm.
The Chamber of Deputies is currently discussing two bills to amend the Enforcement Code, the purpose of which is to lower the number of enforcement applications and concurrently to relieve bailiffs of fruitless enforcement procedures that drag on for years.
The Grand Chamber of the Supreme Court has recently ruled on a case where a member of the Board of Directors entered with the company he was working for into an employment contract under which he was employed with the company as a technical director.
An amendment to the Senate’s statutory measure on the real estate acquisition tax took effect on 1 November, extending, in the case of a first-time purchase of title to a housing unit, the current exemption from the real estate acquisition tax to units in single-family detached houses.
According to a recent ruling of the High Court in Olomouc, shares in company profits may only be distributed among persons other than the partners (e.g. employees), if this is expressly permitted by the Memorandum of Association.
The previous legal framework effective until 31 December 2013 did not exclude the possibility of establishing the right-of-way even in situations where the property owner was responsible for their own lack of access.
The Supreme Court recently reached the conclusion that an email without an electronic signature does not meet the requirements of a written form, i.e. those of a legal action in writing.
In accordance with the amendment to the Sickness Insurance Act effective as of 1 January 2020, attending physicians will fulfil information obligations associated with employees’ temporary incapacity to work, in particular, the obligation to report its occurrence, termination or change or any breach of the temporary incapacity to work scheme, electronically.
The Supreme Court has recently issued a decision expressly surpassing the existing case-law conclusions on the General Meeting not being entitled to decide on the distribution of profits in the second half of the year based on the regular financial statements for the previous accounting period.
Following long battles, the proposal for a Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market was discussed and approved by the European Parliament at the end of March.
The Chamber of Deputies adopted a proposal amending the Insolvency Act aiming to make debt relief available to a wider range of debtors incapable of repaying their debts in full.
On 1 April 2019, the so-called “Tax Package”, amending certain laws in the field of taxation and customs, entered into force. In addition to the amendments to the Income Tax Act and the Value Added Tax Act, about which we have already informed our readers, this amendment also introduces the following modifications.
On 24 April 2019, the Act on the processing of personal data was published in the Collection of laws under No. 110/2019. In addition to adapting the Czech legal system and ensuring its compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), it also regulates cases
The draft amendment to the Investment Incentives Act has passed its first reading in the Chamber of Deputies. Under this proposal, an investment incentive could be allocated to investment projects carried out in the processing industry, in technology centres and in centres for strategic services.
The law firm FORLEX led by partner Ivan Barabáš supported by Senior Associate Simona Zahradníčková advised the management of ICON Communication Centres s.r.o.
The Chamber of Deputies will start the first reading of a major amendment to the Business Corporations Act, which also includes an amendment to the Act on Public Registers.
Recently, health insurance companies have increasingly requested to be reimbursed for the costs of healthcare provided to workers as a result of accidents at work; they have done so by claims addressed to those employers where the accident had taken place.
The President of the Republic has signed the draft amendment to the Labour Code, as approved by the Chamber of Deputies for the second time after being rejected in the Senate. With effect from 1 July 2019, the waiting period associated with the temporary incapacity for work is abolished.
A practice by the registration courts has been reported recently, whereby these courts request joint-stock companies to demonstrate that they do not employ over 500 employees or that their employees have elected the relevant part of the members of the supervisory board.
The Senate returned the so-called GDPR adaptation legislation to the Chamber of Deputies, with amendments and for further discussion, the purpose of the law being to replace the current Personal Data Protection Act.
On December 19, 2018, the Senate rejected a draft amendment to the Insolvency Act and returned it to the Chamber of Deputies for further discussion; the amendment is primarily intended to deal with the situation of indebted natural persons locked into debt-traps.
The Chamber of Deputies has adopted a proposal amending certain laws in the field of taxes and customs duties.
On 1 January 2019, an amendment to the Public Health Insurance Act entered into force, which brought about a new system of reimbursement of medical devices supplied on medical prescription.
The last amendment of the Act on Bonds introduced - among others - a security agent, i.e. a person who represents the creditors (the owners) of bonds in the process of establishing and executing a collateral.
On January 1, 2019, an amendment to the Act on Offences and to the Road Traffic Act came into force, which aims to eliminate unnecessary administrative burdens in dealing with petty offences, i.e. those associated with minimum social harm.
With effect from 1 January 2019, the basic hourly rate for the minimum wage for 40 hours of working time weekly increases from CZK 73.20 to CZK 79.80, thus creating a range of CZK 12,200 to CZK 13,350 for the monthly salary.
In early November, EPRAVO.CZ organized its 11th “Law Firm of the Year” under the auspices of the Czech Bar Association and the Czech Ministry of Justice.
The Constitutional Court has recently issued another decision on the issue of the so-called concurrence of functions, in which it inferred an unconstitutional interference with the plaintiff’s right to judicial protection in connection with a violation of the freedom of choice and the right to fair remuneration for work.
The Supreme Administrative Court ruled in a case regarding the freedom of information and the right to obtain the erasure in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
In the first half of July, the European Parliament approved the proposal for a directive on copyright in its first reading, a directive known in particular for the controversial Article 13, to which, however, some modifications were made compared to the much-criticized version proposed earlier in the summer.
The amendment of the Road Transportation Act will lead to a change which will affect significantly the road freight transport from 2019 onwards. So far, freight transport has been governed by the Civil Code which however does not contain detailed provisions in this field.
A taxation rules amendment adopted with the aim to transpose into the national legislation the European Directive DAC 5 entered into effect on 5 June 2018. The purpose of the Directive is to ensure that, in performing international tax administration, Member States’ tax administrators have access to certain client data in the possession of banks, payment services providers, lawyers and other professional chamber members as required by the anti-money laundering law.
The judicial decision of 2018, as announced in June during the Karlovarské Právnické Dny Conference, is the Judgment of the Supreme Court which clarified the rules for holding the office of a governing body member and having an employment contract with a company at the same time.
The law firm FORLEX provided complex legal services to the shareholders of ORT – ART, s.r.o. in the sale of their 100% share in the company, a leading private orthopaedic clinic in the Moravian-Silesian region.
The Court of Justice of the European Union (“Court”) ruled that stand-by services which very significantly restrict the employee’s opportunities to have other activities, must be regarded as working time.
On 22 March 2017, the High Court in Prague issued a judgment in which the Court expressed its opinion that even today, under the Business Corporations Act, the prior decisions of the Supreme Court issued while the Commercial Code was still effective will prevail.
The beginning of a new year normally brings a number of legislative changes. The most interesting ones are described briefly below, in our latest Legal Update edition. A full overview of the regulations which enter into effect on 1 January 2018 is available
Two of our lawyers, Pavel Říha and Martin Slaběňák, assisted at the START-UP DAY which took place at the Czech Centre in Paris on 26 October 2017. The event was organized by the Moravian-Silesian Region and the Moravian-Silesian Innovation Centre in cooperation with the Czech Embassy in France. We were glad to share our experience from the business sector around the Moravian-Silesian Region and established new contacts with both Czech and French start-ups...
The beginning of November is approaching together with the effective date of the amendment to the occupational health services. For more detail, read this article in Právní prostor by our lawyers Eva Ostruszka Klusová and Dominik Šolc. First part of the article...
Here are some more legal news brought by FORLEX, where we discuss, among other things, the use of fingerprints by employers or the upcoming changes affecting occupational health services.
Legal services in CZ, SK and abroad
+420 596 110 300
FORLEX s.r.o., attorneys-at-law
28. října 3159/29, 702 00 Ostrava
FORLEX s.r.o., attorneys-at-law
Jana Babáka 2733/11, Královo Pole, 612 00 Brno
Billing information
IČO: 04275705, DIČ: CZ 04275705
Account No. CZK – 321695472/0300
Account No. EUR – 333568649/0300
Registred in the Commercial Register maintained by the Regional Court in Ostrava, Section C, File 63028.
Consumer protection information
On 5 February 2016, the Czech Bar Association was authorized by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic to deal with alternative consumer dispute resolutions in the field of disputes between a lawyer and a consumer arising from legal service agreements (under Act no. 634/1992 Sb., on consumer protection, as amended). The website of the designated body is www.cak.cz.