On 31. 3. 2020 the government has approved the proposal to modify the Antivirus program and the methodology for its implementation. The modified program significantly differs from the views that were published during the last week.
We bring you information about the updated basic framework of the antivirus program and the conditions for its use according to the basic information available at present. Pursuant to further government regulations, further information and conditions about the program will be provided and specified progressively.
- The material published by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic contains many inaccuracies and therefore we expect interpretation problems and uncertainty in applying for refunds under the program;
- The condition according to which employers have to “strictly” comply with the Labour Code raises a suspicion that there may be a tendency to retroactively (after receiving refunds) review whether the employer had in fact been entitled to receive the refund for various kinds of reasons (due to the limited possibilities for control before the provision of refunds, a thorough control will follow subsequently);
- The detailed functioning of the program is still unclear, particularly as the relevant methodology, application forms, and supporting documents are not yet available (even the further information about the program from which we have gained information is no longer available at the website of Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs).
We are monitoring the situation for you and are ready to assist you with filing and claiming your rights under the Antivirus program.
- The government approved a one-off contribution for self-employed persons in the amount of 25.000 CZK (but under strict conditions);
- Today (1. 4. 2020) the first wave of payments of nursing benefits for self-employed persons was launched. So far, 100 mil. CZK has been allocated for these payments, thus we recommend that you submit your application as soon as possible;
- The government approved amendments to the